Using Quotes for an Effective Essay Introduction

Direct quotes always include the exact words of a source. This doesn’t mean you have to use an entire sentence, though. Using a word or phrase from a source is called a partial quote. Partial quotes are helpful for smoothly integrating direct quotes into your own sentences. To put a quote good lead ins for quotes in an essay, incorporate it directly into a sentence if it’s shorter than 4 typed lines. For example, you could write “According to researchers,” and then insert the quote. If a quote is longer than 4 typed lines, set it off from the rest of the paragraph, and don’t put quotes around it.

Put a dash, question mark, or exclamation point within closing quotation marks when the punctuation applies to the quotation itself and outside when it applies to the whole sentence. This article explains the methods of introducing your quote in an essay.

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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this website’s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Erin Wright with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. I would like to extend a special thank you to my friend and fellow grammar enthusiast Lisa for contributing to this post. In a future post, I will discuss block quotations, which are longer quotations that stand apart from the surrounding text.

  1. Remember that your thesis statement needs to be an argument, not simply a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response to the question.
  2. A quote that is longer than 4 lines is called a block quote.
  3. You may face plagiarism if you do not use quotation marks properly.
  4. Use direct quotes only a few times throughout an essay for emphasis, analysis, and evidence.
  5. Your block quote will use the same spacing as the rest of your paper, which will likely be double-spacing.

Then, incorporate that quote into your essay, and make sure you properly cite it based on the style guide you’re using. A short quote is anything that is shorter than 4 typed lines.

When to Use Quotes

Not all evidence needs to be in a source’s exact words. Sometimes you need to translate a source for the reader. You can do this by paraphrasing and summarizing sources. In general, use direct quotations only if you have a good reason. In some styles, quotations that extend more than four typed lines on a page should be indented and punctuated differently. Punctuation and documentation for these “block quotes” varies according to the style you’re writing in, so consult a style guide or handbook for details.

introductory phrases for quotes

One of the best ways to let readers know more about your source is to use a signal phrase. Signal phrases help readers “move from your own words to the words of a source without feeling a jolt” .

What did you learn from these introduction quotes?

Signal phrases provide clear signals to prepare the readers for the quotation. Emphasize that, since this is something the author wrote define argumentative writing and not your own words, it must be written with quotation marks . Remind students that in a text quotation signals dialogue.

If you’re in doubt, it’s best to be cautious and use quotes. The authors stated, “Educators should control their students” (Johnson et al., 2010, p. 57).

Final Direct Quote Quiz

For shorter quotes that are three lines or fewer, you can use quotation marks to separate them. Use double quotation marks on each side of the quote. A direct quote can include anything from one word to several sentences from a source. You will use direct quotes in essays and other forms of writing, persuasive or otherwise. When a quotation is blended into the writer’s introductory sentence, no punctuation is needed to separate the introduction from the quoted phrase. And in the case of both general and field-specific common knowledge, if you use the exact words of the reference source, you must use quotation marks and credit the source.

  1. If a quote is longer than 4 typed lines, set it off from the rest of the paragraph, and don’t put quotes around it.
  2. Don’t abuse direct quotations and insert them sparingly.
  3. Similarly, you may want to cut out words that aren’t essential to the quote’s meaning.
  4. You can’t write a full quote if it is several sentences or paragraphs long.
  5. According to the APA Style manual, block quotes are those that take over four lines of printed text in your essay and don’t need quotation marks.
  6. Direct quotes are most effective when you integrate them into your own sentences.

They allow you to analyze specific passages in a source. 1 – Direct quotes don’t have to use the full passage. When quoting more than three lines of a poem, set the quoted lines off from the text by indenting ten spaces from the left margin. The professor explained, “Although Thoreau wrote that most men ‘lead lives of quiet desperation,’ much of his writing expressed the joy in life.” Use a colon if a quotation is introduced by a full independent clause.

Using a Source’s Exact Words

After the quote, write 1-3 sentences explaining what the quote means, why it supports your topic sentence, and how it supports your argument overall. Never insert a direct quote as a stand-alone sentence. Direct quotes are most effective when you integrate them into your own sentences. An easy way to integrate direct quotes is to introduce them in your own words. Use direct quotes only a few times throughout an essay for emphasis, analysis, and evidence. Direct quotes are important for supporting and emphasizing specific points in an essay.

  1. Single quotation marks separate Carraway’s father’s quote from Carraway’s words.
  2. There are a few differences between the American and British styles of using inverted commas.
  3. For shorter quotes that are three lines or fewer, you can use quotation marks to separate them.
  4. However, you may need to provide longer commentary to fully explain the quote to your reader.
  5. Remind students that in a text quotation signals dialogue.

Question marks and exclamation points go outside of the final quotation mark if the punctuation mark is part of your sentence–your question or your exclamation (“like this”?). Those marks go inside of the final quotation mark if they are a part of the original–the writer’s interesting ways to start an essay question or exclamation (“like this!”). In addition, the introduction, also called an attribution, can come after the quotation. If the sentence would normally end in a period, replace the period with a comma; don’t replace question marks or exclamation marks.

Environmental Science

When using quotation marks, certain rules apply regarding capitalization and punctuation. Words used as words are usually set off by the use of italics or underlined to indicate italics. However, enclosing them in quotation marks is also acceptable. Use quotation marks essay topic examples to set off words used as words. The direct quotation of a person’s exact words, whether spoken or written, must be in quotation marks. If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation.

introductory phrases for quotes

T need to paraphrase an entire passage; instead, choose and summarize the material that helps you make a point in your paper. Quotes are one of the most potent tools that writers of all types can employ in their creative arsenal.

Suggested ways to introduce quotations

This is because the writer used a partial quote to integrate it seamlessly without a comma. An in-text citation is a short reference to a source. An in-text citation appears in parentheses after the quote. It includes the author’s last name, the page number or other locator, and sometimes the year of publication. The punctuation you use for direct quotes depends on the type of direct quote. Let’s go over how to use different types of punctuation in direct quotes. Note how the quote includes only a couple of Johnson’s words.

Dialog in transcripts, screenplays, and some fictional works can follow different formats than those shown here. Do not put quotation marks around the titles of your essays. If one person’s speech goes on for more than one paragraph, use quotation marks to open the speech and at the beginning–but not the end–of each new paragraph in the speech. Use quotation marks at the end of the final paragraph.